
How to Disable a Link

The HTML language is pretty awesome. It’s constantly evolving, just like CSS and JavaScript, and likely has anything you need out of the box.

This time I’ll cover a lesser-known HTML attribute, inert. It’s kind of like disabled, but not quite.

If you need to disable a link, you might be tempted to do it this way:

<a href="#" disabled>I am a disabled link</a>

Or maybe through CSS:

a[disabled] {
  pointer-events: none;

These are both wrong.

Links do not have a disabled attribute, so it just won’t work.

pointer-events: none kind of works, if you happen to be using a pointer (a pointer is the mouse cursor, or if you’re on mobile, it’s where your finger is touching). It will disable the link, however it won’t work for keyboard users.

Since it’s important to keep all kinds of users and interfaces in consideration (in other words, accessibility matters), the inert property was born.

inert is a boolean value that, when present, makes the browser "ignore" user input events for the element, including focus events and events from assistive technologies.

Why is this important? Because simply hiding a link, or even moving it offscreen, doesn’t automatically make it inaccessible to all users. A screen reader user, for example, would still be able to access it.

Working example

This is the modern, “right” way:

<a href="" inert>I am an inert link</a>

Pretty simple, isn’t it? Try it here below:

I am an inert link

Styling with CSS

The inert attribute comes with no CSS by default, but of course you’re free to style it in any way you like. For example, to make all the disabled links slightly transparent, you could do this:

a[inert] {
  opacity: .5;

Browser compatibility

The attribute is widely supported in all major web browsers, since Chrome 102 (released in April 2022). You can find more information on the inert page on mdn.

That’s it! I hope you’ve enjoyed reading and found the solution you were looking for. Happy hacking!

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